My WIIFM and The Worlds Most Famous Radio Station!  Well actually WIIFM stands for Whats In It For Me.  But here at My WIIFM, we will discuss the definition of WIIFM - and we will show you something that you were not even looking for.

Now you may have typed into Google, Bing or Yahoo - definition of WIIFM.  Or what is WIIFM - because it's a funny term.  But when you did that - you landed on My WIIFM and I am writing to you as if I was waiting for you to get here.  Now that may seem spooky - but I did this on purpose.  You see I teach people how to be a blogger and also how to earn a living from the internet.  And I was using this term to illustrate to them how they can make a lot of money by learning how to take over a search engine result page.

Or at the very least, get onto the first page.  So you may ask yourself - what does that have to do with me?  Well let's get back to your original question - WIIFM - or Whats In It For Me?  That's how you should be thinking.  So let me tell you about me and how I got into being a blogger and becoming an online marketer.  I will tell you how I started out looking to make some extra money by writing a blog - and how it grew to having more than 20 blogs - and now this is how I make my living.  And I want to tell you more about me - because life has a funny way of bringing people together - people who have gone through similar things during life.

So My WIIFM - Who Is This Guy And Why This Blog

Well my name is Dave Webber and for 38 years I was in a Private, Corporate and VIP Jet Aviation career.  And for 10 years of that time period, I was self employed as a consultant - working for millionaires and billionaires.  But on May 5, 2011 - I got sick.  I got some weird infection and the Dr's didn't know what it was, where I got it from or how I got it.  And they didn't know how to kill it either.

So I spent a month and a half in the hospital, had two surgeries, went into septic shock and all of my organs started to shut down.  I was on life support and in a coma for 8 days.  When I finally got out of the hospital - I had to be fed with an IV until mid September - and wasn't allowed to have food or fluids.

Now you would think that was the bad part wouldn't you?  No the bad part was losing my business, losing my income - and losing everything that I worked for over my 38 year career.  And then there was the worst part - looking into my wife's eyes knowing that I let her down.  We lost our van - because it got re-possessed.  And our house went into foreclosure.

This thing wiped me out financially.  I spent 13 months learning how to walk again and gaining my strength back - a little each day.

BUT everyday I was going crazy trying to figure out how in the world I could earn a living now.  I couldn't get a job to save my life - and being middle aged - how do I start a new career now?

Then I Met My Mentor and He Taught Me How To Be an Online Marketer and Blogger and He Taught Me  How To Write TO My Readers and Always Think Of Them and WIIFM - But Whats In It For THEM - Not Me!

WIIFM Cash From Online
When I met my mentor - I realized that I could make a living from the internet.  And not just me - I could teach others who had run out of employment - or had hard times.  I could teach them too.

And today that is really My WIIFM - because I get so much joy and satisfaction out of teaching other people how to do what I now do.  It is so much fun and I meet so many people now.  LOL - I get paid a bonus by getting new friends every day.

So for just a little bit more - keep thinking about yourself and WIIFM.  But think about you - and not me.  What if you could learn how to be a blogger?  And what if you could earn extra money right from your computer - every week - every month - every year?

Now remember you were not looking for me or my blog.  You typed in WIIFM - or what is WIIFM - or what is the definition of WIIFM.  But - you found something that may be just for you!

AND that is what I teach my new bloggers.  I teach them to find places on the internet where people are asking a question.  But the answer they find - may not be exactly what they were looking for.  And I also teach them how to find people with a headache.  LOL - just let me explain that!

You see people may be in a business - and any kind of a business at all actually - but they have a problem.  Now if we know the solution to that problem - we go to where they are asking the question - about their problem - and we slide the answer in front of them.  If they like the answer - they grab onto it.  If they don't - that's okay because on the internet THOUSANDS of people can find us if we are taught where to blog.  So we find places where a lot of people are looking for something - and then we give them the answer.

So what we do IS NOT sales.  What we do is marketing in that we place something in front of traffic - and the visitor determines for themselves whether or not they are interested.  And that's how we earn an income from the internet.

If You Think Of WIIFM When You Blog - You Know - Think Of What The Visitor Wants or Needs - You can Be a Blogger

Now you don't know if you can be a blogger do you?  Well if you can comment on Facebook - I can teach you how to be a blogger!  But with Facebook you don't get paid.  So if you did exactly what you do on Facebook - of for that matter - on YouTube also - you can make money online.  Yup - I know you are doubting me but I am telling you the truth.  If you can write on Facebook and share your passions or frustrations - you can be a blogger.

And if you feel that you can't write very well - can you speak and have a conversation?  Well I'll show you a very simple way to do videos - and if you can talk - well then you can make money online.  Yes I am serious too!

WIIFM Videos
Let me tell you what we do.  We do a marketing technique called affiliate marketing.  Affiliate marketing is done like this: You write about something that you are passionate about like - spending time with your kids.  And let's say that you are writing about barbecues and back yard get together's   So you write about it or make a video and then on the page somewhere - you have an ad for something from let's say -  Now when your visitor reads your blog post or watches your video - they are thinking about back yard fun too.  And they see an ad for a new grill.  So they click on it and end up at  If they buy that grill - Amazon sends you a check in the mail or they just deposit the commission into your bank account.

That's how affiliate marketing works.  But there are a lot of affiliate programs out there.  I mentioned Amazon because everyone has heard of them.  How about Netflix - ever hear of them?  Well they have an affiliate program as well.  How about GoDaddy .com?  They have an affiliate program as well.  In fact I could show you hundreds and hundreds of ways to make money on the internet.  Anything that you can think of.

Golf clubs, handbags, books, videos - and my personal favorite - a viral blogging system!!!!

You see if you want to get on any search engine result page and get found - you need some tools.  Well we just found a brand new company which is so awesome - most of the people on my team have stopped doing everything - and we are putting all of our attention on this one program.  WHY?  WIIFM?  Because this is made for the average person and anyone can do it!

In fact - let me show you a video.  This is a real simple kind of video to make too - but don't worry about making a video if you think it is too techie.  I make them for my team and they use them for free.

But we started this whole thing by asking the question - WIIFM.  So Now Lets ask ourselves a different question.  What If?  Check out this video called What If - and ask your self WIIFM - and WHAT IF?

WIIFM - And Level ONE Network - And What If?

You see this awesome blogging system that is pre-built for you also has a video blogging system built in for free.  And it also has a built in business - an affiliate marketing business too.  And because there are so many bloggers writing page after page - every day - it is becoming a huge power house of a website.  And as a blogger we can use that power to get found really easy.  And then we add some more tools - stuff that I teach to you - and we can really get in front of traffic.  A LOT OF TRAFFIC!

And what you would learn can help you to make money online - for the rest of your life.  You will learn so much - and any business person would want to know what you know.  You see so many people want to get traffic from the internet and they don't know how to do it.  They may have great looking websites - but they don't get traffic.  And that is the headache that I was talking about.  Business people want traffic - and we can get it for them.  People want to earn more money - and we teach them how to do it. Step by step!

I Have a Mentor - What About You?  If I could Teach You What My Mentor Taught Me - The Question WIIFM - Would Be Answered!

If you asked the question - and you typed into Google - WIIFM - You found me.  But you weren't even looking for me.

If you go and type in "Level One Network Dave Webber" into Google - you would find me too.  And the company is only 4 weeks old.  And if you typed in "Harvest Time Team" - you would find us also.  All over the whole page.  And that's what I can teach you.  I could be your mentor - your coach!

You see what I teach to my team works.  We get found!  Why WIIFM?  Because it was a class lesson for the team.  BUT you found us!  So why don't you invest a little in yourself.  Why don't you click on the links below and learn more about us - in the privacy of your own home.  Just take some time to visit us and learn more about this awesome Harvest Time Team.  Learn more about me.  Learn more about how you can earn a new income in your spare time from the internet.

Click Here to learn more about Level ONE Network Review!

And when you do - think about WIIFM - and What If?

I wish you the very best,

Dave Webber
Office: 413-242-7334

Other blogs also owned and authored by Dave Webber:


Pure Leverage Review